Students studying for longer periods usually obtain a student visa (Ryuugaku visa in Japanese). The procedure is somewhat time consuming so students need to apply well in advance of the date they hope to start classes.
When studying for just one term, citizens of many countries can easily obtain tourist visas for travel to Japan. These are typically three-month visas but this differs depending on your nationality.
We also warmly welcome The WORKING HOLIDAY program participants in Japan! If you’re just interested in studying for one term or more period, you can study using a working holiday visa.
Japanese is said by some to be a difficult language to learn, but by coming to Tokyo and immersing yourself in Japanese culture while studying every day, you’ll find that it can be a very enjoyable experience!
Each class runs for a little over three hours and during that time students work on improving speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.
Any Japanese word can be written in a way that can be read without having to remember “hmmmm, how is this pronounced?!?”. Learn how to read and write the kana on our HIRAGANA and KATAKANA pages. You can also learn kanji.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
2024年2月6日 9:00更新 2月6日の午後(ごご)のクラスはあります。 Today’s afternoon classes will run as normal. 足元(あしもと)に気(き)を付(つ)け
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