Ways to Manage Anxiety

1.YOSHIDA INSTITUTES that are safe places are always waiting for you.
Study rooms which can be used 6 hours are established in our school.
(Open : 10:30 – 16:30)
2.Although you’ll want to keep informed — remember to take a break from watching the news and focus on the things that are positive in your life and things you have control over. And take a walk once a day for a change. There is always a new discovery there.
3.Someone who has a cough or a fever does not necessarily have coronavirus. Self-awareness is important in not stigmatizing others in our community.
4.Stay healthy. Adopting healthy hygienic habits such as washing your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

Please check the following site :


We warmly welcome

New inquiries for the October course will be suspended as the course has reached its capacity.Consultations for applications after that date are available.
Application Schedule
To Contact
Exemption or Reduction
of Admission fees.

Learning Japanese

Learn how to read and write the kana on our HIRAGANA and KATAKANA pages. Please check out our website: Learning Japanese.



CSN is the national authority that handle the Swedish financial aid for students.

We also warmly welcome Working Holiday program participants in Japan!

it is possible to study at this institute while visiting Japan on a 3-month temporary visa.

Students studying for longer periods usually obtain a student visa.

Promotional Video

–New– – | English | Spanish | Italian | German | Swedish | Indonesian |Vietnamese | Promotional videos were created by students.