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Promotional Video-Indonesian

Promotional Video-Indonesian

Bagi yang membutuhkan visa pelajar, pendaftaran kami buka sejak 6 bulan sebelum trimester dimulai, yaitu pada Januari, April, Juli, dan Desember.

  1. Dengan murid-murid yang berasal dari lebih dari 30 negara berbeda, institut kami kaya akan pertukaran budaya dan bahasa.
  2. Demi meningkatkan efektifitas proses belajar di kelas dan komunikasi privat antar guru dan murid, jumlah murid kami batasi antara 10-18 murid per kelas.
  3. Kami menyediakan kelas persiapan bagi Uji Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang (JLPT) maupun Ujian Mahasiswa Asing (EJU).
  4. Setiap tahun, kami mengundang alumni institut kami untuk memberikan nasehat atau bimbingan tambahan bagi murid-murid kami yang memikirkan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ataupun mencari kerja di Jepang.
  5. Kurikulum kami sudah disesuaikan dengan durasi pembelajaran 4 jam dan 20 menit per hari, dimulai dari hari Senin sampai dengan Jumat selama 3 bulan.
  6. Institut kami menyediakan 3 tingkatan, pemula, menengah, dan lanjut yang masing-masing tingkatannya terdiri dari 3 kelas trimester.
  7. Sebelum sebuah trimester dimulai, para calon pelajar akan kami orientasi mengenai berbagai hal yang penting untuk diketahui mengenai hidup di Jepang. Setelah orientasi, calon pelajar akan diwawancara secara pribadi dan diberikan tes penempatan kelas.
  8. Kami dari Institut Bahasa Jepang Yoshida memiliki misi untuk mengenalkan sebanyak mungkin budaya Jepang kepada pelajar-pelajar kami. Oleh sebab itu, setiap tahun, kami mempunyai berbagai macam karyawisata, seperti pertandingan olahraga antar kelas, trip ke tujuan pariwisata di sekitar Tokyo, makan bersama, dan lain-lain, yang kami berikan kepada murid-murid tanpa biaya tambahan.
  9. Selain sebagai peluang untuk belajar, acara-acara ini kami buat sebagai wadah pertukaran budaya dan pertemuan antar murid. Bagi semua yang tertarik, silahkan datanglah ke Jepang dan mulailah hidup baru anda di sini.
  10. Semua pelajar asing di institut kami, otomatis didaftarkan dalam program insuransi pelajar dari institut.
  11. Selain itu, setiap pelajar asing diwajibkan untuk mendaftarkan diri ke program insuransi nasional Jepang dengan biaya per bulan sekitar 10 USD.
  12. Bagi semua yang tertarik untuk belajar Bahasa Jepang, terlebih lagi mereka yang ingin bersekolah di Jepang, bukalah situs kami HIRAGANA untuk mempelajari Hiragana (ひらがな), Katakana (カタカナ), maupun kanji (漢字) demi mempersiapkan diri kalian masing-masing sebelum keberangkatan kalian ke Jepang.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, bukalah situs kami atau kirimkanlah pertanyaan-pertanyaan kalian ke email kami di

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Promotional Video-German

Promotional Video-German

Am Yoshida-Institut wird seit 31 Jahren im Studentenviertel Waseda Japanisch unterrichtet. Wer an eine japanische Hochschule gehen, in Japan, Geschäfte machen oder die japanische Kultur besser kennenlernen möchte, ist hier richtig.
Schülerinnen und Schüler aus über 30 Ländern lernen Japanisch am Yoshida-Institut. Quartalbeginn ist im Januar, April, Juli oder Oktober.

Freistellung oder Reduzierung(Reduzierung der Anmeldegebühr)

  1. Wert des Geldes: Das Yoshida-Institut bietet hohe Qualität und dennoch angemessene Preise. Unsere Kurse sind das Geld wert.
  2. Sonderangebot: Schüler, die sich direkt via E-Mail anmelden, bekommen Rabatte auf ihre Anmeldegebühr (siehe unten). Das gilt nicht für eine Drittpartei, die die Anmeldung organisiert.
  3. Zögere nicht, uns nach weiteren Möglichkeiten zu fragen.

Wenn eine der folgenden Bedingungen auf dich zutrifft, bekommst du Rabatte

  1. Du hast bereits einen JLPT (Level N5 oder höher) bestanden.
  2. Du studierst japanische Sprache oder Literatur oder hast dein Studium bereits abgeschlossen.
  3. Du kannst Hiragana und Katakana lesen und schreiben.
  4. Du weißt vieles über Japan.
  5. Du kannst via E-Mail auf Japanisch oder Englisch schreiben, was dafür spricht, dir einen Discount zu geben.

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Promotional Video

Yoshida Institute – Promotional Video

This is an introduction to our school. People come to study at Yoshida with many different goals. Some of our students are preparing to go on to further schooling in Japan, some want to use Japanese for business purposes, and some are looking to form a deeper understanding of Japanese culture.
You can enroll starting in January, April, July, or October. We provide high quality Japanese instruction at a reasonable price in the heart of downtown Tokyo.


Promotional videos were created by students.
Promotional Video Other languages
Spanish ǀ Italian ǀ German ǀ Swedish ǀ Indonesian ǀ Vietnamese

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Privacy Policy
Effective date: July 19, 2018

This website is run by the Yoshida Institute of Japanese Language.
To safeguard personal information, we deal with information collected according to Our Privacy Policy as follows.
However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of the websites that may be linked from this site.
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page and update the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy.

Basic Principle

We, fully aware of the importance of information collected from the users or visitors (such as current and prospective students, applicants, etc.), will endeavor to ensure the safety of such information.

Collecting Personal Information

We will collect your information by appropriate and fair method only when it is necessary.

Use of Personal Information

Personal information we collect may be used for student visa application and renewal. Before using personal information for any other purposes, we will notify you to request your consent.

Security of Data

We endeavor to ensure the security of personal information we collected by taking appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, falsification or intrusion of information.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We will not provide your personal information to any third party without your advance consent except where such disclosure:

  1. is required by applicable law.
  2. is necessary for the protection of peoples’ safety or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of our users.
  3. is made in cooperation with national or local authorities including entities appointed by such authorities to carry out legal process, and in which seeking the consent of the individual could affect such enforcement.
    If we entrust third parties with the handling of any personal information, we will make appropriate contracts to ensure the security of such personal information.

Disclosure of Personal Information

We will handle requests for disclosure, correction, or suspension of the use of such information from the provider promptly according to the law.

Observation and Alternation of Law

We endeavor to improve the safety measures for dealing with personal information, and to adopt the relevant laws swiftly when there are any changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

By visiting this page on our website: contact us

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Main office

Yoshida Institute of Japanese Language
1-23-14 Nishiwaseda Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 169-0051 JAPAN
tel: +81-3-3202-0828
fax: +81-3-3202-0306


Our offices are located in the northwestern section of Tokyo, close to Waseda University, and just next to the Waseda Station at the end of the The Tokyo Sakura Tram(Toden Arakawa Line). * We’re also a short walk from the Takadanobaba Station of the JR Yamanote line or the Waseda Station of the Tozai subway line. Full-time, intensive classes are held at the main office.(18 minutes walk from JR Takadanobaba station. (12 minutes walk from Tozai-lene Waseda station).

*The Tokyo Sakura Tram is the last remaining streetcar line in Tokyo! It runs from Waseda through many interesting neighborhoods, passing near many temples and the gravesite of famous author Natsume Soseki. It connects with Otsuka station on the JR Yamanote Line and the Higashi Ikebukuro station of the Yurakucho subway line.


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At first, learning Japanese may seem like a daunting task, for the grammar is completely different from European languages and the writing system ornate – two alphabets mixed with a ideographic character system adapted from Chinese. But if you just relax and start with the basics, you’ll find that learning the language is not as difficult as it sounds.


あLetters in the Japanese alphabet are referred to as kana, specifically HIRAGANA and KATAKANA. While the alphabet is larger than the Roman alphabet, it is a phonetic alphabet where each alphabetic combination represents just a single sound. Thus any Japanese word can be written in a way that can be read without having to remember “hmmmm, how is this pronounced?!?”. To some this may sound obvious, but consider the sound of ough in the English words through, though, thought, tough, plough, thorough, and hiccough. Although they share the same ough sequence, no two words in this list are pronounced the same way!! Japanese kana are much simpler, the way something is written is the way it sounds. Learn how to read and write the kana on our HIRAGANA and KATAKANA pages.

It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with hiragana and katakana before the first lesson.



Once you’ve learned these characters, you’re ready to start reading Japanese!

Learning Kanji for the JLPT

5922The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test administered twice a year from 2009. The test is a standard national test used to measure Japanese language ability.
Like many other countries in Asia, the Chinese writing system heavily influenced the development of the Japanese writing system. Chinese characters, or KANJI in Japanese, are still used heavily today. Children in Japan learn the KANJI from elementary school and by the time they reach junior high school they can read and write over 1,000 characters. Students of Japanese learn KANJI in a similar way, starting with simple characters used frequently and gradually learning all the characters used in daily life. Learn how to read and write the KANJI on our KANJI pages.

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The Yoshida Institute of Japanese Language offers a wide variety of classes for students seeking to learn Japanese. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an advanced student, we can help you! Come learn Japanese in the exciting city of Tokyo! Full-time, daily intensive classes For students seeking to study Japanese intensively in order to enter a Japanese university, college, vocational school or just to study rigorously, we offer full-time, daily intensive classes. Classes are held five days a week in the morning or in the afternoon. Each class runs for a little over three hours and during that time students work on improving speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. Beginning students focus on basic grammar and speaking skills while students in advanced courses learn to understand TV and radio programs and read Japanese literature. Three-months terms start at the beginnings of January, April, July and October.


Long-term study (2 or more terms)

We make every effort to provide our students with what they need most for their study, along with any assistance they may need to live in Japan. Some students want to learn Japanese to study further at a university or technical college, while other students study primarily for business purposes. We tailor our programs to fit these needs so that every student will be able to use Japanese successfully in the future.

More Information

Short-term study (1 term)

This course is for those who can’t study in Japan for a long time. When studying for just one term, citizens of many countries can easily obtain tourist visas for travel to Japan. The application deadline for students wishing to study for just a single term (3 months) is one month before the start of classes. Note: this is also the deadline if you are already in Japan with working visa or spousal visa.

More Information

ぬIf you just relax and start with the basics, you’ll find that learning the language is not as difficult as it sounds. Learn how to read and write the kana on our HIRAGANA and KATAKANA pages. It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with hiragana and katakana before the first lesson. Learn how to read and write the KANJI on our KANJI pages.


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To study in Japan you will need a proper visa. The type of visa you need depends upon the length of time you intend to study and your nationality. If you’re just interested in studying for a three-month period, students from many countries can simply study using a normal tourist visa. But students wanting to study for six months or longer must have a student visa or some other type of visa that allows them to stay in Japan.
You can find a more complete description on our admissions information page. Classes are held five days a week in the morning or in the afternoon. That time students work on improving speaking, reading, writing and listening skills.

Short-term Intensive Courses (3 months)
Term Start January, April, July, October
Class Schedule Mornings : 09:00 – 12:20 or Afternoons : 13:20 – 16:40
Term Length Three months (50 classes)
Levels Beginning(3 levels), Intermediate(3 levels), Advanced(2 levels)


Application Deadlines


Term Beginning Classes Start and End Deadline
January 2024 January 09 – March 19 2023.Dec.20
April 2024 April 10 – June 21 2024.Mar.20
July 2024 July 03 – September 27 2024.June 21
October 2024 October 10 – December 20 2024.Sept.27

Students from England, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Mexico, and Lichtenstein are allowed to study in Japan for six months on a tourist visa. Upon arrival you’ll receive a 90-day visa which can be extended another 90 days during your stay in Japan.

Documents to be submitted

The application deadline for students wishing to study for just a single term (3 months) is two weeks before the start of classes. But deadline is subject to change without announcement depending on the number of applicants. Please contact us in advance. —Note: this is also the deadline if you are already in Japan with working visa or spousal visa. You can apply online or, if you prefer, you can download and print out an application from our forms page and send to us.

all the needed documentation (via online)
Ⅰ Application form for admission online
Ⅱ Photograph online

Fees (Short term)

For students studying on a tourist visa or an existing working or spousal visa, the costs are slightly lower, as the admission process is simpler:

The tuition and Fees for 2024 are as follows.
Short-term Course Fees (One term)
Ⅰ.Admission ¥5,000
Ⅱ. Educational operating ¥6,000
Ⅲ. Tuition (one term) ¥165,000
    Total ¥176,000

  1. Click Red number to see the Japanese yen to dollar exchange rate.
  2. All prices quoted include the taxes.
  3. Admission fee includes extracurricular activities, facilities and textbooks.
  4. The above fees do not include some textbooks for JLPT(EJU) test preparation.
  5. Yoshida Institute Refund Policy.- Please be sure to read –

Please let me know how would you like to pay Course Fees?

  1. International payments Flywire (recommend).
  2. By international Bank transfer.
    Bank transfer fee is not included in this amount. Please burden this at your expense. Thank you.
  3. in person (pay in cash).

When you make a payment through Flywire you can

  1. Track your payment from start to finish.
  2. Save on bank fees and exchange rates.
  3. Contact their multilingual customer support team with any questions, day or night. For more information, visit the Flywire help page.

We will give you

a placement test and consult with you to determine which level is best for you.


  1. Final exam at the end of each term (every 3 months).
  2. Upon successful completion of each course, a student progress report will be written if requested at the time of the final exam.

How do you apply for a temporary visitor’s visa?

Visitors to Japan must obtain a visa from one of the Japanese diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa-exempt countries. The Government of Japan currently allows citizens of 68 countries/territories to travel to Japan for tourism or study without having to obtain a visa.
Citizens of 68 countries and regions are visa exempt for visits up to 90 days (unless otherwise noted).
Students from England, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Mexico, and Lichtenstein are allowed to study in Japan for six months on a tourist visa. Upon arrival you’ll receive a 90-day visa which can be extended another 90 days during your stay in Japan.

Other countries : All application documents must be submitted to nearest Embassy or Consulate General of Japan in the applicant’s country of residence. The applicant must apply for a visa in person. We hope you will show interest in Japanese culture and society, and Japanese language in order to take home with you a greater understanding and appreciation of our country and people. (Unfortunately, The Yoshida Institute cannot issue any documents for you to apply for a temporary visa.) More Information : Exemption of Visa (Short-Term Stay)


Once you send in your application with all the needed documentation and tuition fees.
After that is received, we send you the entrance permit and some documents.

    1. You submit your application to Yoshida.


    1. We review your application. We send you the invoice.


    1. You pay for one term of tuition fee.


    1. We send you your entrance permit.


  1. You receive your entrance permit and head to Japan!

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Short and Long Term

Continue studying

If you are still interested in studying Japanese from July 2023, it is possible to study at this institute while visiting Japan on a 3-month Temporary Visitor’s (also known as Tourist) visa.
Also, if you wish to continue studying at Yoshida Institute and need a Student visa, the deadline to apply for the January 2024 term is Aug 31, 2023.
You will get a Certificate of Eligibility by Nov 01, 2023. Even if you are in Japan at that time on a Temporary Visitor’s visa, it is not possible to change to a student visa in Japan.
If you have a certificate (COE), you apply for a student visa at overseas diplomatic establishment (Japanese embassy or consulate).

Please feel free to ask.
Please contact us via Contact Form below. Required field:(*)

    Full name (*)

    email address (*)



    Date of Birth(*)

     year   month   day



    Current address(*)

    Postal code


    Term starting(*)

    Attach1 (photo)

    Attach2 (other)

    How did you find us?(*)

    have you studied Japanese before? YesNo

    can you write?
    How many KANJI?


    have you ever been to Japan before?(*) YesNo

    if Yes, how many times

    Visa status on previous

    TouristStudentWorking holidayEmploymentDependent spouseTraineeOther


     Make sure that the check box contain checkmark

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    Long-term study (2 or more terms)

    Students studying for longer periods usually obtain a student visa (Ryuugaku visa in Japanese). The procedure is somewhat time consuming so students need to apply well in advance of the date they hope to start classes. Students cannot obtain these visas on their own, they must first apply to Yoshida to begin the process. We will guide you through the process to try and make it as simple as possible.

    If you wish to studying and to acquire a Student visa at this institute, the deadline to apply for
    January 2025 is Aug. 31, 2024.

    But deadline is subject to change without announcement depending on the number of applicants. Please contact us for more details.

    Due to the large number of inquiries we have received, we have reached our maximum enrollment for the January course.
    We are no longer accepting new inquiries.
    Students currently in the process of making inquiries may continue to consult with us.

    with sincerity

    Application Deadlines(Student visa)

    Term Beginning Application Period Results of Selection
    October 2024 admissions closed Aug 20, 2024
    January 2025 admissions closed Oct.31.2024
    April 2025 Aug.20 to Oct.23 Feb.20.2025
    July 2025 Jan.7-Feb.29 May. 15, 2025

    To those who apply for the January term 2025 term

    All application documents can be sent by email. (Applicants from OECD countries only)

    Once you send in your application with all the needed documentation before the deadline, we submit a request to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau for document called a Certificate of Eligibility(COE). If the request is approved, the Immigration Bureau notifies us on Oct. 31, 2024 and we pass the word on to you.

    General Course(2 or more terms)

    We make every effort to provide our students with what they need most for their study, along with any assistance they may need to live in Japan. Some people want to learn Japanese for the future, while other students study primarily for business purposes.
    Upon arrival Japan on a student visa you’ll receive one year student visa (or one year three months) which can be extended another one year during your stay in Japan. You can study Japanese on a student visa for up to two years.

    The attendance at school period is as follows.

    Term Period
    January term 6 months to 2 years
    April term 6 months to 2 years
    July term 6 months to 2 years
    October term 6 months to 2 years

    • Because we provide a course from the beginner’s class to the upper grade class in all terms, applicants of any level may enter.
    • The period of time you can be enrolled may vary depending on your history of living in Japan and studying Japanese. Please contact us for details.

    College Preparatory Course

    Students who want to learn Japanese to study further at a university or technical college. The Japanese education system is different other countries. In principle, the school year begins in April and ends in March of the following year.
    The enrollment period for College Preparatory Course is as follows.

    The attendance at school period is as follows.

    Term Period
    January term 1 year and 3 months
    April term 1 year or 2 years
    July term 1 year and 9 months
    October term 1 year and 6 months

    • We will give you a placement test and consult with you to determine which level is best for you. For example, ability higher than the third grade (JLPT) is necessary when you hope for entrance to our institute in January term.
    • If you are already N3 level or higher, you can graduate within a year.


    Entrance requirements(College Preparatory Course) :An applicant must be ones who have completed 12 years of schooling recognized as standard in their own countries or alternatively ones who have been judged by appropriate faculty as possessing as equivalent scholastic attainment in their own countries.

    The lessons are taught entirely in Japanese and also since the textbook is written in hiragana and katakana, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with hiragana and katakana before the first lesson. Feel free to use these HIRAGANA and KATAKANA study aids to help you get started.

    About exemption or reduction of admission fee

    1. Value for money: The Institute aims to provide high quality and yet reasonably priced professional education and training.
    2. Special offer: Students enrolling directly via email will receive a discount on the admission fee. This does not apply to those applying via third-party recruiters.
    3. You too, by all means please do challenge yourself to it.  (More Information)

    We warmly welcome

    New inquiries for the October course will be suspended as the course has reached its capacity.Consultations for applications after that date are available.
    Application Schedule
    To Contact
    Exemption or Reduction
    of Admission fees.

    Learning Japanese

    Learn how to read and write the kana on our HIRAGANA and KATAKANA pages. Please check out our website: Learning Japanese.



    CSN is the national authority that handle the Swedish financial aid for students.

    We also warmly welcome Working Holiday program participants in Japan!

    it is possible to study at this institute while visiting Japan on a 3-month temporary visa.

    Students studying for longer periods usually obtain a student visa.

    Promotional Video

    –New– – | English | Spanish | Italian | German | Swedish | Indonesian |Vietnamese | Promotional videos were created by students.