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Please feel free to ask me any questions.
We will answer all questions such as Japanese culture, history and language ……
For inquiries about application : Long-Term | Short-Term

    Full name (*)


    email address(*)



     Make sure that the check box contain checkmark

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    To open an account with a bank

    If you have your own account at bank, you utility expenses and telephone bills could be drawn automatically from your bank account. At the same time, money such as part-time job salary, could also be paid into your account automatically and living expenses and school expenses could be received easily from your parents if you have an account. To open an account, you must have been residing in Japan for at least six months. ( the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act)
    However, only Japan Post Bank (ゆうちょ銀行) can open an account. But it can not be used for overseas remittance for six months after opening an account.

         Necessary documents for opening an account

    1. You must be a resident of Japan with a contact phone number to confirm the details of your account application form. “Period of Stay” on the Residence card is at least 1 year.
    2. Residence Card (Check if the address on the card is your current address.)
    3. you should write your name in katakana.
    4. Please select your Pin Numbers with 4 digits.(before going to bank.)
    5. Cash card will be sent to you later by post.
    6. Seal (HANKO) is required to open a bank account with Japan Postal bank, banks.
      You can make stamps (HANKO) at Don Quijote (ドン・キホーテ)/ Takadanobaba Ekimae. A seal on which your name in hiragana, katakana or Kanji has been engraved is OK. Even if you do not understand Japanese at all, it will explain in English. (Cost: From 500 yen)

    Smart Phone(Mobile phome)

    There are several mobile company in Tokyo. To buy a smart phone and begin a new smart phone service subscription, you must have a bank account in Japan. In general, you are required to present your bankbook, residence card, passport, and a statement of parental approval (for those below age 20). For details, consult the websites of the respective service providers.

    1.  au (KDD)    :  au(KDD)
    2.  Soft Bank   :  Softbank / Shops with English-speaking staff
    3.  DOCOMO  :  docome / by phone( in English, Portuguese, Chinese, and Spanish)

    SIM Card(Subscriber Identity Module Card)

    1.  Mobal         :    –Easy to contract (Recommendation)
    2.  Soft Bank   :  Softbank
    3.  DOCOMO  :  docome

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    Use the form below to apply for short-term, full-time intensive classes at the Yoshida Institute. This is only for students who will be studying on a Working Holiday visa. Once you’ve filled out the form below, we’ll contact you to let you know if there is anything else that’s needed and how to pay school fees.

    Online Sign Up Form(Application form for admission)

      Full* name (*)

      email address (*)



      Date of Birth(*)

       year   month   day

      Term starting(*)



      Attach (photo)
      ( a clear photograph)

      Attach2 (other)

      How did you find us?

      Japanese knowledge

      have you studied?(*)

      can you write?

      Hiragana  / Katakana

      can you write?

            Kanji/How many?

       Make sure that the check box contain checkmark

      If you’d like to require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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      Working Holiday Visa for your Citizens

      For the purpose of promoting greater mutual understanding between Japan and your country, the governments of these two countries agreed to start a working holiday scheme to help encourage the exchange of young people. This program makes it possible for citizens of one country to enter the other primarily for a holiday over an extended period, and also to engage in employment as an incidental aspect of their trip(study) in order to supplement their stay funds.
      Upon arrival you’ll receive a 180-day visa which can be extended another 180 days during your stay in Japan.
      To study Japanese at our school, you need a visa of 3 months or more. If you wish to continue studying Japanese, you will need to change to a student visa. Please contact us for details.

      Click on your country to see the details

      Details : Citizens from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Taiwan, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Iceland, Czech, Korea, Lithuania  Hong Kong Estonia.

      One-term Intensive Courses
      Term Start January, April, July, October
      Class Schedule Mornings : 09:00 – 12:20 or Afternoons : 13:20 – 16:40
      Term Length Three months (50 classes)
      Levels Beginning(3 levels), Intermediate(3 levels), Advanced(2 levels)


      Application Deadlines

      Term Beginning Classes Start and End Deadline
      January 2023 January 05 – March 19 Admission Closed
      April 2023 April 08 – June 23 March 17
      July 2023 July 05 – September 28 June 23
      October 2023 October 10 – December 20 September 28

      Documents to be submitted The application deadline for students wishing to study for just a single term (3 months) is two weeks before the start of classes. But deadline is subject to change without announcement depending on the number of applicants. Please contact us in advance. —Note: this is also the deadline if you are already in Japan with working visa or spousal visa. You can apply online or, if you prefer, you can download and print out an application from our forms page and send to us.

      all the needed documentation (via online)
      Ⅰ Application form for admission online
      Ⅱ Photograph online

      Fees (one term) For students studying on a working holidy visa on an existing working or spousal visa, the costs are slightly lower, as the admission process is simpler:

      The tuition and Fees for 2021
      One-term Course Fees (3 months)
      Ⅰ Admission ¥6,000
      Ⅱ Tuition (one term) ¥165,000
      Total ¥171,000

      1. All prices quoted include the taxes.
      2. Admission fee includes extracurricular activities, facilities and the main textbooks.
      3. The above fees do not include some textbooks for JLPT(EJU) test preparation.
      4. Yoshida Institute Refund Policy.

      Please let me know how would you like to pay Course Fees?

      1. International payments Flywire (recommend).
      2. By international Bank transfer.
        Bank transfer fee is not included in this amount. Please burden this at your expense. Thank you.
      3. in person (pay in cash).

      When you make a payment through Flywire you can

      1. Track your payment from start to finish.
      2. Save on bank fees and exchange rates.
      3. Contact their multilingual customer support team with any questions, day or night. For more information, visit the Flywire help page.

      We will give you a placement test and consult with you to determine which level is best for you.


      1. Final exam at the end of each term (every 3 months).
      2. Upon successful completion of each course, a student progress report will be written if requested at the time of the final exam.

      How do you apply for a working holiday visa?

      Citizens from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom,France, Germany, Ireland, Austria, Slovakia, Korea, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, Taiwan, Lithuania and Hong Kong, who are between the ages of 18 and 30 inclusive, and citizens from Australia, Canada, Lithuania and Korea who are between the ages of 18 and 25 inclusive, can apply for a Working Holiday Visa(except in those cases where the competent authorities of Japan agree to extend the limitation of age to 30 years.).

      Once you send in your application with all the needed documentation and tuition fees.
      After that is received, we send you “the admission permit” and some documents. If you want to experience life at YOSHIDA INSTITUTE through a working holiday, feel free to write us in either English or Japanese!

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      Promotional Video-Spanish

      Promotional Video-Spanish

      Yoshida se encuentra en la zona estudiantil de Waseda y lleva 31 años dedicándose a la enseñanza del japonés.
      En Yoshida estudian personas con todo tipo de objetivos: algunos quieren acceder a estudios superiores, otros al mundo de los negocios, y otros buscan conocer con más profundidad la cultura japonesa.
      Tenemos estudiantes de más de 30 países diferentes. Puedes empezar los estudios en enero, abril, julio y octubre.

      1. Clases reducidas: gracias a los grupos de entre 10 y 18 personas, conseguimos resultados de lo más efectivos. Los profesores tienen experiencia y un trato excepcional con los alumnos.
      2. Las clases son de lunes a viernes, con cursos de mañana o tarde de tres meses de duración.
      3. Ofrecemos tres niveles iniciales, tres intermedios y dos superiores, además de otros cursos, como el de escritura.
      4. Preparamos una variedad de proyectos y actividades con tal de que nuestros estudiantes estén en contacto con la cultura y el estilo de vida de Japón.
        Cada año organizamos excursiones, competiciones, viajes, concursos de oratoria y muchos más eventos. Hazte amigo de los estudiantes de todo el mundo que participan en estas actividades. ¡Ven y disfruta de tu vida en Japón!
      5. La página web de la escuela,, está disponible para aquellos interesados en el japonés o que están pensando en estudiar en Japón. En la página puedes practicar HIRAGANA, KATAKANA o el orden de trazos de los KANJI.

      6. Para obtener información más detallada, visita la página web o contacta con nosotros por correo electrónico.

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      Promotional Video-Italian

      Video Promozionale – Italiano

      La scuola è adatta a coloro che puntano ad un educazione di livello superiore in Giappone, o a chiunque voglia conoscere la lingua e la cultura giapponese, sia per interesse personale che per lavoro.

      1. L’istituto Yoshida insegna a studenti di tutto il mondo da più di 31 anni.
      2. I corsi cominciano a gennaio, aprile, luglio e ottobre, ma è consigliato di cominciare a preparare i documenti 3 mesi prima a coloro che necessitano un visto studentesco.
      3. Internazionalità: Studenti da oltre 30 diversi paesi frequentano la scuola, famosa per la sua internazionalità.
      4. Sistema dei piccoli gruppi: Le classi sono divise in gruppi di 10~18 persone per apprendere la lingua in maniera efficace, guidati da professori aperti al dialogo.
      5. Le lezioni si tengono dal lunedí al venerdí e sono divise in classi mattutine e pomeridiane.
      6. I corsi sono divisi in tre livelli per principianti, tre livelli intermedi e due livelli avanzati.
      7. Prima di cominciare a frequentare la scuola, si consiglia di partecipare al nostro orientamento per ricevere tutte le informazioni necessarie per vivere in Giappone. Finito l’orientamento verrà valutato il vostro livello di giapponese e scelta la classe piú adatta a voi attraverso un esame scritto e uno orale.
      8. Prepariamo vari progetti affinchè i nostri studenti possano immergersi nella cultura e nello stile di vita giapponese. Ogni anno organizziamo gite, competizioni, feste e molto altro. Gli studenti, partecipando a queste attività, riescono a stringere amicizia con persone che provengono da ogni parte del mondo. Venite anche voi a divertirvi in Giappone!
      9. Tutti gli studenti sono iscritti all’assicurazione per studenti internazionali. Inoltre, mentre si risiede in Giappone, ci si deve iscrivere all’Assicurazione Sanitaria Nazionale, al costo di circa 10 euro al mese.
      10. Coloro interessati allo studio della lingua giapponese possono incominciare visitando il sito, in cui è possibile imparare HIRAGANA, KATAKANA e i KANJI utili per l’esame JLPT.

      Per ulteriori informazioni è possibile visitare il sito web o contattarci tramite email.

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      Privacy Policy
      Effective date: July 19, 2018

      This website is run by the Yoshida Institute of Japanese Language.
      To safeguard personal information, we deal with information collected according to Our Privacy Policy as follows.
      However, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of the websites that may be linked from this site.
      We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page and update the “effective date” at the top of this Privacy Policy.

      Basic Principle

      We, fully aware of the importance of information collected from the users or visitors (such as current and prospective students, applicants, etc.), will endeavor to ensure the safety of such information.

      Collecting Personal Information

      We will collect your information by appropriate and fair method only when it is necessary.

      Use of Personal Information

      Personal information we collect may be used for student visa application and renewal. Before using personal information for any other purposes, we will notify you to request your consent.

      Security of Data

      We endeavor to ensure the security of personal information we collected by taking appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, damage, falsification or intrusion of information.

      Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

      We will not provide your personal information to any third party without your advance consent except where such disclosure:

      1. is required by applicable law.
      2. is necessary for the protection of peoples’ safety or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of our users.
      3. is made in cooperation with national or local authorities including entities appointed by such authorities to carry out legal process, and in which seeking the consent of the individual could affect such enforcement.
        If we entrust third parties with the handling of any personal information, we will make appropriate contracts to ensure the security of such personal information.

      Disclosure of Personal Information

      We will handle requests for disclosure, correction, or suspension of the use of such information from the provider promptly according to the law.

      Observation and Alternation of Law

      We endeavor to improve the safety measures for dealing with personal information, and to adopt the relevant laws swiftly when there are any changes.

      Contact Us

      If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:

      By visiting this page on our website: contact us

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      As much as possible we try to keep our tuition and fees low so that students can afford to study longer and thus get more out of their studies. Students can select the payment method.

      International payments – Flywire(recommend)

      To submit payment from outside Japan

      1. Payment will be posted to your account within two to five business days.
      2. Flywire allows you to pay securely from any bank, generally in your home currency.
      3. When setting up your Flywire account, use the same e-mail that you used on your application form.
      4. For more detail, see flywire-pdf

      When you make a payment through Flywire you can

      1. Track your payment from start to finish
      2. Save on bank fees and exchange rates
      3. Contact their multilingual customer support team with any questions, day or night. For more information, visit the Flywire help page.

      How to make a payment

      1. At below, enter your country of origin, then click CONTINUE TO FLYWIRE. You will be redirected to Flywire website. Or, just go to
      2. Select payment method and create (or login to) your Flywire account, then enter some basic information to initiate your payment booking.
      3. Follow instructions to send payment funds to Flywire. For debit/credit card payments, enter your card details online to complete your payment in your home currency. (Additional local payment options may be available depending on the country you are paying from.)
      4. Track your payment any time by logging into your Flywire account. Receive text and email status updates each step of the way, including a confirmation when your payment has been delivered to your institution.

      International payments – Bank

      To wire transfer money to our bank account through your bank:

      Bank Account Information
      Ⅱ. Bank MUFG bank
      Ⅲ. Branch TAKATANOBABA
      Ⅳ. Account Regular account No. 2123243
      Ⅴ. SWIFT code BOTKJPJT

      Bank transfer fee is not included in this amount. Please burden this at your expense. Thank you.

      Payment instructions

      1. If paying in person : Bring your payment with a course-enrollment form to our office by the deadline.
      2. If paying application fee through PayPal : We will send you an invoice.


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      Svenska Sökande

      Ansökan om studentvisum

      För att ansöka om långtidsstudier måste du förbereda dokumenten nedan och skicka dem till oss inom tidsfristen. Du kan hitta alla nödvändiga formulär och instruktioner för hur du fyller i dem.
      En sökande måste vara de som har slutfört 12 års skolgång som erkänts som standard i Sverige, eller alternativt som har bedömts av lämplig fakultet som har en motsvarande skolastisk förmåga i sitt eget land.
      Du kan också studera japanska medan du arbetar deltid på ett visum för arbetshelgen. Klicka Klicka på Working Holiday-schema för mer information. Klicka HÄR för att kontakta oss.


      Applicant (Application Requirements) / via emails
      Application form
      (MS word or PDF)
      Use the prescribed form. Form(PDF)|Form(MS word)
      Personal Records
      (MS word or PDF)
      Use the prescribed form to list your (a) educational history, from elementary school through the last school attended and (b) the purpose of your study. Form(PDF)|Form(MS word)
      Diploma or Transcript
      (PDF or JPG)
      The diploma (or transcript) from the last school you attended. It must be the scanned via email. Do not need to send the original.
      The person should face squarely to the front and remove hats, caps or head coverings. (a clear image and color photograph.)
      Copy of passport
      (PDF or JPG)
      If you already have one. It must include all the pages which show applicant’s photo, passport number, and past visit (s) to Japan.
      Supporter (CSN)
      Dokument från CSN krävs inte.
      Please send them as email attachments to Yoshida Institute. (pdf|word|zip|other)


      A sample of a writing style


      A sample of a writing style(long-term)
      Application Requirements PDF MS word
      1.Application form sample(81 kb) sample(16 kb)
      2.Personal Records sample(101 kb) sample(19 kb)

      Please send forms (1.2.3) and the necessary documents as emails attachment.
      You can edit the sample forms directly (MS word).


      Hur ansöker du?


      Vänligen skicka följande dokument för att ansöka om ett lån CSN
      Kontakta oss (CSN)
      Please attach it to the e-mail After you fill in necessary items (Namn och adress i Sverige, Personnummer, Landsnummer ) in CSN form(CSN:s blankett 5509).
      We will send the CSN form(PDF) to you after filling in the mandatory fields and putting our seal on it.

      Working Holiday Visa

      Introduced the “Working Holiday scheme” for Swedish citizens in 2020. This scheme makes it possible for nationals of the Kingdom of Sweden to enter Japan primarily for a holiday over an extended period, and also to engage in employment as an incidental aspect of their holiday in order to supplement their travel funds.
      You can also study Japanese while working part-time.


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      Apply for a student visa

      If you wish to apply for a long-term study abroad program, please prepare and submit the following documents by the deadline. All required forms and instructions on how to complete them can be found on our forms page.
      Applicants must have completed 12 years of schooling recognized as standard in your home country, or be judged by the appropriate department to have equivalent academic ability in your home country.
      For SWEDISH, see the Swedish page for details.

      Application Form Please use our prescribed form.
      Form (PDF) | Form(MS Word)
      Personal Record Using our prescribed form, please list
      (a) your educational history from elementary school to the last school you attended and
      (b) the purpose of your studies. 

      Form(PDF) | Form(MS Word)
      Diploma OECD countries:
      Please send us a scanned PDF through email. No need to send by mail.
      Other Countries :
      Please send a certificate of graduation from the school from which you most recently graduated.
      The original is required, but if you do not wish to send the original, it must be notarized by a court of law or the Ministry of Education.
      Please ask for details.
      Photo Please send a Jpeg to my email with a background of an unpatterned wall.
      Any image with part of the eye obscured by the reflection of glasses.hat or visible teeth is invalid.
      If you are unable to remove your hat for religious reasons, please inquire.
      Copy of passport If you already have one. It must include the applicant’s photograph, passport number, and all pages showing previous visits to Japan.
      Supporter (father, mother, sibling, applicant)
      Oath of Payment How to support the student to cover expenses during tour stay in Japan. Remittance in person or from outside Japan. If you have a supporter, please use our designated form.
      Form(PDF) | Form(MS Word)
      Certificate of Deposit Balance Must be in the bank’s original form and show the account number. The deposit balance must be at least 20,000 (USD).
      Other Documents to be submitted as required.

      《Example of how to fill out various forms》

      For students who are citizens of OECD countries, these are the only documents required. Submission is completed by e-mail. However, the Japanese government imposes additional requirements for students from non-OECD countries. Students applying from these countries are usually required to submit documentation confirming the status of their sponsor, usually a parent, during their stay in Japan. In addition to this, there are additional requirements that vary from country to country.
      Some countries may complete the same documentation as OECD countries.
      Please contact us for more information.

      The information on the documents collected at this time will be used only for the visa application and various procedures during your studies and will not be used for any other purpose.

      VISA Application Process

      Once the applicant has prepared the required documents, he/she must pay the application fee. We will apply to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau for a document called a Certificate of Eligibility (COE). If the application is successful, a Certificate of Eligibility will be issued and we will inform you of this. At that point we will bill you and you will be required to pay 6 months (or one year) tuition and other fees (see our Fees page for more information). After we receive your tuition fees, we will send you a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) which you will use to apply for a student visa at your local embassy or consulate.

      Application Steps

        1. Applicant: Submit the application documents to the College.


        1. Ourside:Once we have reviewed your application documents and confirmed that there are no problems,
          we will prepare and submit your application on the date specified by the Immigration Office.


        1. The Immigration Office will review your documents, approve your application, and send the certificate to us.
          This period can take up to two months.


        1. Ourside:We will send you a scan of the CoE we received from the immigration office and report back to you on the success of your application.


        1. Applicant:6 months or 1 year of tuition, enrollment fee and other fees are paid.


        1. Ourside:We will send you a certificate of eligibility and various documents


        1. Applicant:Submit the COE, application form, and visa application (available on the embassy’s website) to the local Japanese embassy or consulate.


        1. Applicant:You will obtain a student visa and head to Japan. You will receive a 1 year student visa (or 1 year and 3 months) upon arrival, which can be extended during your stay in Japan.

      We warmly welcome

      New inquiries for the October course will be suspended as the course has reached its capacity.Consultations for applications after that date are available.
      Application Schedule
      To Contact
      Exemption or Reduction
      of Admission fees.

      Learning Japanese

      Learn how to read and write the kana on our HIRAGANA and KATAKANA pages. Please check out our website: Learning Japanese.



      CSN is the national authority that handle the Swedish financial aid for students.

      We also warmly welcome Working Holiday program participants in Japan!

      it is possible to study at this institute while visiting Japan on a 3-month temporary visa.

      Students studying for longer periods usually obtain a student visa.

      Promotional Video

      –New– – | English | Spanish | Italian | German | Swedish | Indonesian |Vietnamese | Promotional videos were created by students.