Twelve horary signs
Category : news
In Japan, there are JIKKAN and JUNISHI, both calendars imported from China. Combinations of the two are called ETO (the sexagenary cycle) and the ETO of each new year becomes a popular topic of conversation.
1. 子(ね-NE) rat,
2. 丑(うし-USHI) ox,
3. 寅(とら-TORA) tiger,
4. 卯(う-U) rabbit,
5. 辰(たつ-TATSU) dragon,
6. 巳(み-MI) snake,
7. 午(うま-UMA) horse,
8. 未(ひつじ-HITSUJI) ram/sheep,
9. 申(さる-SARU) monkey,
10. 酉(とり-TORI) rooster/cock,
11. 戌(いぬ-INU) dog,
12. 亥(い-I) boar/pig
This year is the Year(2017) of the Cock, and next year(2018) is the Year of the Dog.
We will be closed from December 21(Wed.) through January 08(Mon.) for the Winter holidays.
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